
Heathfield Primary School Remote Learning Plan

From Sept 4, schools will no longer be expected to trace close contacts.

This means whole classes will not need to isolate in the case of a confirmed positive case within their class. As with positive cases in any other setting, NHS Test and Trace will work with the positive case to identify close contacts.

From 16 August 2021, children under the age of 18 years old will no longer be required to self-isolate if they are contacted by NHS Test and Trace as a close contact of a positive COVID- 19 case. Instead, children will be contacted by NHS Test and Trace, informed they have been in close contact with a positive case and advised to take a PCR test.

Under DFE guidance, it is clear that children have a right to their education.

Click here for the full letter

Contact Us

Heathfield Primary School
Heathfield Road
B19 1HJ

Phone: 0121 464 6474

Email: enquiry@heathfld.bham.sch.uk


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