
Newsletter - 28th January 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

It has been a cold and frosty fortnight, and I am so pleased to see that the evenings are starting to get lighter. This week, reception children (with the support of staff and parents) were able to go out and visit the local church. At Heathfield, it is part of the promise that we make to you and your children, that we will equip them for life in modern Britain. A large part of this is learning about the other cultures and religions that share the space that we live in.

We are still living in extremely challenging times, and often during times like these we forget that there are others around us who can support and help.

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Newsletter - 14th January 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

We hope that you are well. When we returned to school last week, we spent some time working on our values and reminding children about our Heathfield Ways. Spring term is a term where we really knuckle down to hard work and lots of progress is made and as such we felt it was appropriate to reflect on our values. We also spent some time thinking about the children’s rights and you can find out more about that later in this newsletter.

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Newsletter - 17th December 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have made it to the end of our first term of the 2021/22 academic year. I know that the staff and children have all worked incredibly hard and we are definitely looking forward to this two week break.

Next term, our curriculum focuses will change and you will receive the new term’s curriculum overview for your child’s year group on the first day back. It will also be on the website for you to access.

Click here for the full newsletter

SEND provision in Birmingham

Dear Parent or Carer

Get involved in SEND Co-production and ‘Have your Say’ workshop opportunities.

As you may know work is well underway to improve the way SEND support services are planned and provided for children, young people and families in Birmingham. It is a priority to us that we involve as many SEND parents and carers on this journey, so that we deliver the right support for families who use the SEND services in order to produce the very best outcomes for children and young people.

Over the coming weeks and months we will be holding 7 parent/carer engagement events which follow on from the earlier conversation started with some parent and carers who were able to join us at the Carrs Lane venue in September. This time we want to extend the invitation to a greater audience of parent carers at different locations around the city and hold workshops.

Newsletter - 3rd December 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have had another busy fortnight at school. We seem to be racing towards the Christmas break with lots still to do. Our Year 2 pupils will be completing a statutory phonics screening check before the end of term and the results will be sent to the local authority. This is because the phonics screening check was cancelled for Year 1 pupils last year. Year 2 pupils who meet the expected standard in phonics this term will not be required to complete any further statutory assessments in phonics. Year 2 pupils who do not meet the expected standard will be expected to take the statutory check in June 2022, alongside Year 1 pupils.

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Newsletter - 19th November 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

As you are aware, parent workshops, events and meetings have not been held in school during the course of the pandemic. This has helped us to minimise the risk of Covid19 and its impact upon our school, staff and families. It is our intention that we will begin some parent workshops and events again in the spring term. This will of course be dependant on the local and national picture regarding Covid19 as well as any government guidance that schools receive. Any event we hold in school will be carefully risk assessed with risk management measures in place. We will prioritise what is most beneficial and essential for parents and pupils learning and wellbeing.

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Newsletter - 5th November 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope you are well. The weather seems to have taken a real turn this week and it has certainly caught me unawares. Also with the clocks going back, the evenings are getting darker so much more quickly—if you have any older children attending after school club, they will now have to be collected by an adult as it is dark by 4:20pm.

Sadly, we will be unable to continue with the Aston Villa football coaching from now on as they are unable to guarantee the coaches and we want to provide you with consistency. The office will refund any affected families next week if their child has not received a paid session.

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Update - Summer Term Dates

Dear Parents / Carers,

Please be aware of an update to the summer term dates; originally school was due to break up on Thursday 21st July 2022 however this has been changed and school will now break up for the summer holidays at 1pm on Wednesday 20th July 2022.

This change is due to updated guidance following the additional bank holiday on Friday 3rd June 2022 in celebration of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

As this bank holiday falls during summer half-term holiday, the additional one-day holiday has been moved forward to the end of the summer term.

Kind regards,

Mrs Atherton

Newsletter - 15th October 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are so pleased that we have had children start to return to out of school visits this week. Year 3’s visit can be found on the back page, but we also had a number of our older children go and see the author Karl Nova at King Edwards School with Mr Jackson and Mrs Ravat. They had a great time and we are now off to purchase some Karl Nova books for the rest of the children to enjoy.

Year 5 and Year 6 will be visiting Thinktank next week with only the cost of transport needed which we are very grateful for. Thanks to Mr Mazhar and Ms Currie and Ms Vlahakis from Millenium Point for arranging this.

Click here to read the full newsletter

Contact Us

Heathfield Primary School
Heathfield Road
B19 1HJ

Phone: 0121 464 6474



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