
Newsletter - 25th June 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope you are well. The weeks really seem to be flying by at this point in the term and there is lots happening. One really important announcement is that the planned teacher training day on the 7th July has now been cancelled along with external secondary school transition. This week the Year 6 children have been doing lots of preparation work for secondary school with the support of the pastoral team. The schools they will be attending have been dialling in and doing virtual introductions for them. Along with this, they have been working with their class teachers and learning lots of information about what it will be like.

Click here to read the full newsletter

Newsletter - Friday 11th June

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are approaching the final part of the year and there is lots happening in school. While continuing to adhere to our Covid risk assessment, we have started to engage the pupils with external visitors. We have had lots of photographs and videos taken this week for our new digital prospectus which will be out next year. And have a look at our back page for more details on what Year 5 have been doing.

Click here to read the full newsletter


Half Term Reminder

Dear Parent/ Carers,

Just to remind you, we break up for half term for all pupils on Friday 28th May 2021 and re-open for all pupils on Monday 7th June 2021.

Kind Regards,

Mrs F. Atherton

Head of School


Nut Free School

Dear Parents/Carers

At Heathfield, we strive to provide a safe learning environment for all students. Due to some of our pupils suffering from nut allergies, we have been advised to become a nut free school. An allergic reaction (anaphylactic shock) can occur through ingestion of nut products, cross contamination and breathing nut dust in the air.

Click here to read the full letter


Letter to all parents - 27/05/2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

Unfortunately, we have had notification of a positive COVID-19 test within Reception. I am informing you that I have consulted with Public Health England to ensure that we are taking the right actions to keep our school community in good health. The advice that Public Health have given is outlined below:

  • Only staff and children in Reception need to self-isolate
  • Siblings of children in Reception are advised to continue to attend school
  • Children in other year groups are advised to remain in school

Click here to read the full letter


Letter to Reception parents - 27/05/2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

Unfortunately, we have had notification of a confirmed COVID-19 result in Reception. I have spoken with Public Health England to ensure that we are taking the right actions to keep our school community in good health. The advice that Public Health have given us is outlined below:

They have advised that ALL children and affected staff in Reception need to self-isolate until Saturday 5th June. This means that the children can go out from the 5th June and we look forward to welcoming your children back to school as normal on Monday 7th June.

Click here to read the full letter


Newsletter - Friday 21st May

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are rapidly approaching the half term break and I know for lots of the children and staff it will be a welcome break. We just need some sunshine now! Along with the rest of the senior leadership team, I have been having a close look at the children’s planners over the last few weeks to see how much they are reading at home. It has been a very varied picture, but two super examples that I have seen belong to Maryam Hussnain in
5A and Malaika Khan in 4C. Well done girls.

Click here to read the full newsletter

Newsletter - 23rd April 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

I am absolutely delighted to inform you officially that we have been awarded the Unicef UK Rights Respecting Schools Bronze Award. It was awarded at the end of last term (on the last day) and I would like to thank Miss Elahi and Miss Begum for all of their hard work.

In other news, the Prince Albert High School development is progressing extremely well and we had an extremely successful recruitment drive. PA High were inundated with applications for their Teaching vacancies and as a result of this have an exceptional founding cohort of staff for the pupils attending in September 2021. There are still a few places left in our opening cohort and if you would like to apply for a place for your child, head over to the PA High website for more information.

Click here to read the full newsletter

Contact Us

Heathfield Primary School
Heathfield Road
B19 1HJ

Phone: 0121 464 6474



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