
50 things to do before you're five

Tick-off fantastic things for you and your child to experience together.

50 Things To Do Before You’re Five gives you 50 activities that parents and carers can support their children to try out and repeat. 

Click here to find out more

Newsletter - 14th October 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

Only one more week to go until half term! The first half term of this academic year has flown by and this week we have held the first parent consultation evening of the year. It was such a pleasure to see lots of you here and for the teachers to be able to share with you how the children have settled in. On the whole, most children have had a good start, but I did hear some teachers asking for parents to be checking children’s planners and listening to them read regularly. If that was you, please do support us in this way as reading is the key to success!

Click here for the full newsletter

Newsletter - 30th September 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

The first four weeks of term seem to have flown by and the children are all well settled into their new classes. We have held two parent workshops and the dates for the rest of the term can be found on page 3 of this newsletter. We have updated the term dates in the panel to the left with the dates of this half term’s parent consultations and you will shortly receive a forms link to complete with the times you would prefer.

Click here for the full newsletter

Newsletter - 16th September 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back! And a huge welcome if you are just joining the Heathfield community. We are so glad to have you. We have got off to a great start this year and the children have settled in well to their new classes. The children should now all have their reading books and planners and the expectation is that you read with them (or listen to them read) five times a week. Our parent workshops are starting up next week and all of the dates for the autumn term are on the back page of the newsletter so that you don’t miss them. Curriculum newsletters with the information about this half term’s learning will follow early next week.

Click here for the full newsletter

September 2022 Information for Parents

Please click the link below to find the parent information for September 2022 at Heathfield Primary School.

September 2022 Parent Information


Her Majesty The Queen

HM The Queen imageThe Prince Albert Community Trust are deeply saddened by the death of Her Majesty The Queen.

She faithfully served the nation as our Sovereign during her long and successful reign.

We express our deepest sympathies to The Royal Family and to our nation.

All pupils return on Wednesday!

Dear Parents/Carers

We hope you have had a good summer break. All pupils will be returning to school on Wednesday 7th September.

We look forward to seeing you and the children.


Newsletter - 15th July 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have reached the end of another year and what a year it has been! We have had 2 author visits, the Rights Respecting Schools award, trips all around Birmingham and a trip to London, a Y6 residential, hundreds of books given to our children through the Young Readers Project, parent workshops, sports competitions and lots more. We are immensely proud of the experiences that the children have had this year and we look forward to providing many more next year.

Click here for the full newsletter

Newsletter - 1st July 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are approaching another extremely busy time of year with lots going on. Our first summer fair in three years will be taking place on Friday 15th July and we are very excited. If you do want to have a stall at this event, please contact Ms McInerney as soon as possible as the spaces are filling up fast.

Click here for the full newsletter

Contact Us

Heathfield Primary School
Heathfield Road
B19 1HJ

Phone: 0121 464 6474



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